Americo Industrial Supply Inc provides professional consulting services encompassing all Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) Program regulation requirements and their implementation and interface with the current procedures plus support activities.


Overview of Americo Industrial DBE Services:


·       Development and maintenance of US DOT/FAA/FTA/FHWA DBE Administrative Programs, Triennial Goal and Methodology Reports and appropriate Annual Uniform Reports for submission to and approval by appropriate federal agencies.

·       Develop and maintain DBE Program Monitoring and Compliance procedures Attachment to reflect most efficient and cost effective methods.

·       Provide and maintain DBE/FAA-funded Project outline to insure timely DBE compliance and possible interface with Airport/City timelines.

·       Complete and/or partial administrative services for DBE/SBE/MBE/WBE programs, customized according to client wishes and needs. These services include:

·       Developing Project-Specific Goals to be included in bid documents for major projects by analysis of market areas and assessment of relative availability of DBEs/SBEs/M-WBEs.

·       Prepare and submit Uniform DBE Commitments/Awards and Payments Report.

·       Review RFP and Contract documents to ensure inclusion of appropriate DBE language.

·       Attendance at Pre-Bid or Pre-Proposal meetings to explain DBE Program requirements.

·       Conduct detailed Good Faith Efforts review, where applicable, following receipt of bids/proposals/substitutions to determine sufficiency of efforts.

·       Development and maintenance of client Bidder’s List.

·       Development and implementation of localized DBE Outreach and Training programs.

·       Monitoring for compliance with DBE program requirements.

·       Development of Subpart F Concession plans using the FAA-recommended two-step process and preparation of Annual Reports for Airports, convention centers, arenas, stadiums, etc.)




Americo Industrial Supply Inc
Phone:  562.947.4253 or











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